Definition of pop music

Pop music
         Pop music is a gendre  of popular  music form  classical music and folk music. Pop music is very fleksible  because it can  include rock, hip pop, dance and country. There also  sub genres like soft pop and pop-rock.
         Pop musick was born in Napoli italy in 1679, the first composed  were  alessandro scalarlatti and fransessco provanzale that create pop music.  Because of his light,  lively and catchy tones so that many custumer like it.
         The custumer of pop music are often understood to be in their teenager years, partly because youth  culture itself is an object of social incidents. Most custumer like  soft pop and rock pop of their pop stars.
         Many pop stars are popular, Most pop stars are controfersial  role models for teens, such as Michael jacson,Britney spears, and kurt cobain. For example, the lead singer of nirvana kurt cobain commited suicide.

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